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Release Traumas to Heal
One of the most significant factors involved in your daily stress process is the emotional baggage that you carry around. Almost all of us have been through some type of trauma, whether we consciously remember it or not. If we don’t process these traumas, it can affect our daily stress process and put us in “survival mode”, thereby decreasing the size of your Detox Funnel.
The Cleanmind Protocol allows you to identify, release, and reprocess your traumas so that you can decrease stress in your life and heal!
"When a patient is not progressing with naturopathic modalities, there are often trapped emotions
and traumas blocking the healing process. Once these traumas are reprocessed and released, the patient's healing progress resumes." - Dr. Diane Angela Fong, ND
developed by dr. fong​
I developed the Cleanmind Protocol out of necessity in supporting my chronic disease patients. I kept hitting a wall with some patients, where they would stop progressing in their healing process. I found that this wall was often due to stress and buried traumas causing my patients to constantly be in "fight-or-flight" mode. When a person is in this stressed-out state, his or her body will shut down all the normal processes that help the body to heal.
After personally experiencing therapies such as Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotion Code, EMDR, Sound Therapy, and more, I started to utilize elements of these techniques with my patients. My resulting approach became so effective in supporting my patients that I decided to give it a name - the Cleanmind Protocol. Similar to when I support my patients in detoxing their physical bodies, this protocol is about detoxing your mind, so that your subconscious is clear of the traumas and triggers you have created throughout your life.

Once you learn this method in your visit with me, you will be able to utilize the four steps on your own so that you will have the tools needed to release new traumas that may occur in your life. This method has been life-changing for myself and my patients; I am so excited to share it with you, and support you in your journey to Cleanbody health!

Imagine that you are a little child and you touch a hot stove that burns you. That traumatic event then creates a "trigger" in your subconscious that causes you to flinch every time you get near a hot stove. You might also create a "defense mechanism" that causes you to stay away from hot stoves and avoid cooking. These triggers and defense mechanisms can cause you to have emotions such as anxiety and fear, and increase your daily and overall stress. In Step 1, you will identify your trapped emotions, traumas, and defense mechanisms to prepare for the next steps. Identifying the most important traumas, rather than just talking about current problems, is key to getting to the root cause of mental and physical imbalance in your system.
step 2: sound therapy & bilateral stimulation
In Step 2, you will focus on a specific traumatic memory that you uncovered in Step 1. Then, Dr. Fong will play sounds in a rhythmic fashion. Therapeutic sound techniques which have been shown to affect physiology, neurology and psychology with a form of reflective enquiry (a kind of questioning).
Dr. Fong may also have you put on headphones that play sounds that oscillate between your left and right ear, simulating the left and right sides of your brain.
With sound therapy and bilateral stimulation, your unconscious mind will start to process the trauma, make connections, and transform the painful response to the event. Unlike talk therapy, you are processing the information with your own accelerated intellectual and emotional processes, rather than Dr. Fong's interpretation of the event. The goal is to reformulate negative beliefs and relieve distress and negative arousal around traumas that have happened.

After about a minute of sound therapy/bilateral stimulation, you will discuss any memories, thoughts, or feelings that came up. You will work through the "library" of your subconscious mind to be able to reprocess the initial trauma. It’s like identifying what’s in the heavy piece of luggage you have been lugging around, dumping it out, cleaning it up, and then putting the baggage back without the heavy weights inside, so that it does not weigh you down anymore. The memory of the trauma will remain but it won’t elicit a “heavy” response anymore.
step 4: RELEASE
The last step in the protocol is to mentally and physically release the trapped emotions so that you do not carry them around with you anymore. In order to release an emotion, oftentimes you will need to forgive someone in the process. This is usually the person who you have blamed as responsible for the trauma you have experienced. This could be someone else or it could even be yourself. You will work through forgiving this person and then use bodywork and breath techniques to release the emotion from your body.

who can benefit from the cleanmind protocol​
CMP is an amazing technique because it is really self-therapy lead by Dr. Fong. Almost everyone is carrying around traumas and trapped emotions that can be identified, reprocessed, and released. If you experience increased stress or mental health issues or if you are having a hard time healing physical symptoms, it is possible that you are holding on to emotions and traumas that need to be released. If you are already seeing a therapist, it can be helpful to use this method alongside traditional talk therapy methods to help focus your work with your therapist.
"I cannot recommend Dr. Fong’s Cleanmind Protocol enough. I found myself in certain negative patterns that were effecting my relationships. I’ve been to a few different therapists before but no one was able to target the root of the problem like Dr. Fong did and give me real tools to continue the work on myself in a daily kind of way. She has come up with a form of therapy that is truly mind blowing in the results you will feel and see and all of those closest to you. It is genuinely invaluable. If you want to have honest breakthroughs and make some real changes in your life, this is the therapy for you. I can guarantee that you and your relationships will benefit greatly from it. I’m so glad to have invested in the Cleanmind Protocol and you too will not regret it!"
-- Sujana C. January 28, 2022
​**Please note that the Cleanmind Protocol is not medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is not a form of psychotherapy or counseling. The Cleanmind Protocol should not be used as a substitute or replacement for working with a psychologist, psychiatrist, or mental health counselor or for trauma recovery procedures of a medical or psychological nature. Dr. Fong is not a psychologist or psychiatrist, and the CM Coaches are not licensed medical providers or counselors and do not provide counseling or psychotherapy.
Individuals who have psychological or psychiatric conditions that require strict regulation or who have a complex history of trauma should work with a psychologist or psychiatrist.
Because the Cleanmind Protocol is not a form of medical care, by purchasing a Cleanmind session, you do not become a patient of Dr. Fong or Cleanbody, and it does not create a doctor-patient relationship between you and Dr. Fong or any other Cleanbody staff. During the Cleanmind Protocol, Dr. Fong does not review your medical or healthcare information.
Neither the Cleanmind Protocol nor the bilateral stimulation have been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration. The Cleanmind Protocol is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Medical advice must only be obtained from a physician or qualified health practitioner and psychological counseling from a licensed psychologist or psychiatrist.
Results may vary between individuals. There are no guarantees, expressed, or implied.**